Selasa, 25 April 2017

S2 Thick Total Death

  Kursus Naura Komputer       Selasa, 25 April 2017
Galery Teknologi Toko Naura Gunungsari Kec Kedondong

Many factors cause the PS2 to die totally. In general, the cause of the total PS2 die is a damaged power supply.
However, what if you have replaced the power supply but the PS still matot and the button can not be pushed? PS no red flame at all.
Check out my explanation. I often get the total PS2 service job off and most of the main causes are power supply.

However, other causes also affect:
- Safety fuse breaks
- IC C 80 U no input / output
- Power line reset cable off line
For more details, Let's review more details.

1. Check the voltage of the end of the power supply

After you open the case, immediately check the fuse and end voltage of the power supply. If the fuse is broken, replace or jamper with small wire fibers inserted in the fuse slot.
If the fuse is good, you check the final voltage. Voltage output power supply PS2 series 3XXXX up to 5XXXX, usually voltage at 12 volts.
As for certain types of PS2 like series 10XXX, it uses 9 V power supply.
If you want to know about broken power supply, please read my article about

However, you are better off replacing the new PSU if you are in any doubt to manually repair. Adjust the power suplly type with your playstation type.

2. Check the excess voltage fuse.

If you get a final voltage 12 volt supply, this means damage to the mainboard.

The first step, open the iron plate mainboard hook. Then, check 2 fuse over voltage, ie fuse 1 and fuse 3. Look at the image above.
Fuse 3 (number 1) is an excess voltage safety fuse for the mainboard of the power supply. When there is a voltage above 12 Volts, the auto fuse will break up to secure the mainboard from severe damage.
Check with multitester, if the fuse is broken just replace it with backup fuse. Fuse 3 disconnect can cause the PS2 to die totally and reset button can not be pushed.
Check fuse 1 (see number 2), this is the second voltage surge fuse after fuse 1. If this fuse breaks out, will cause the PS2 to die totally as well. Unplug the fuse with steam blower or steam solder, then replace with normal fuse.

3. Check the voltage in IC C 80u SYSCON

This IC acts as a VCC system activation switch. The features of IC C 80 U is a square with 44 pins and there is a 4.00ms crystal next to it.
Due to the emergence of excessive voltage, this IC can die. The image below is the mainboard type GH 015

Check the 3.3 Volt voltage at pin to 40, If it does not exist, the IC reset is off too. If there is a voltage of 3.3 volts but the PS2 turns off completely, check the 4 MHz input frequency at the 15th number, Then check the 4 MHZ out put voltage at the 16th leg.
If on the 15th foot the frequency appears 4 mhz but on the 16th foot does not appear, there are 2 possibilities namely: IC C 80 is dead or crystal 4.00 MH die. If the crystal dies, find a replacement.
If IC C 80 is off, try to heat it with hot gun. If after heated but there is no 4 mhz frequency at foot no 16, check the RB (block resistor) around the IC.
Unplug the RB with a hot gun, then check the value of the obstacle. If the value changes, you should replace it with a new one. Or, just take RB the same value from other PS2 mainboard
For the GH 015 series, there are 4 RBs denoted D103 which means the block resistor has a resistor value of 10 x 1000 = 10,000 ohms or 10 K. The number 3 represents the number 0. Replace all block resistors if the value changes.
If the block resistor has been replaced but IC C 80u still does not appear 3.3 volt voltage, replace it with a used IC but good.

4. Check the reset cable of the start button.

This flex cable connects the research buttons with the main board. Reset cable easy to rust or break. Instead, replace it with a new one.
Note the fiber wire width. For 3XXXX series cable fiber is usually wide and large, while fiber cable for 5XXXX series is more refined.
If you are having trouble finding a replacement or want to be cost-effective, make a reset cable with a flexible cable DVD player commonly sold in electronics stores.

Adjust the width of the cord by cutting. Attach it to your PS2 mainboard. May be useful.


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